Saturday, February 28, 2009

American Dream.

I am going to take a minute to "brag" about my life... and I can, it's my blog!

My hubby and I were talking last night and we were gloating about how much we love our lives and how lucky we are for all we have. We are truly living the American Dream. We have a condo. It might not be the biggest condo in the world or the nicest, but it is our home and we love living here together. We just bought a new car. It was my mom's car, it is used and it was inexpensive but it is ours. We have our little dog who makes us laugh and smile every day and makes us proud to know that we have given her a better life. Most importantly we have each other. We love each other more everyday. We make each other laugh and smile (and sometimes yell). We also have the most amazing families on earth who have taught us how to love and how to be loved, and who have given us such an amazing example of what a relationship is all about.

The thing that makes us most proud of all of the "things" we have is how hard we have worked for them. My husband might not have a permanent job so-to-speak, but he wakes up every day at 5:00 and looks for a substitute job until he finds one. If he doesn't find one, he goes out and hands in resumes. He NEVER gives up. It makes me so proud to wake up and go to work every day and earn an income to help my husband so we can have our condo and our dog and our life. We are a team. If something is not making us happy, we fix it. I feel like I am the luckiest girl on earth. We are lucky in a sense, that we have our amazing, supportive families but, we are not lucky to have all of the things we have. We EARNED them. I am not trying to brag about all of the "things" we have because the most important things in life aren't "things". I am bragging about the fact that we have them together and it just doesn't get any better than that!

We may not have it all together but, together we have it all!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Jake's Gift.

Okay... here it is! Mr. Smith's super secret surprise! Don't kill me mom! I love you.... Your name is next... Cynnie, right on my forehead. You know you'll love it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

His Birthday!

Well, this Sunday is my hubby's birthday! He is going to be 28 years of age... old man! Anywho, we are having the whole fam damnly over for chili to celebrate. It is going to be my first time "entertaining" my family and my family-in-law (I just invented that word). I am so excited. It will be good times for sure. Then later, after the old farts leave (ha ha mom!)... If any of our homies want to come hang out, you are all invited and more than welcome!

I am so excited about a super secret surprise I am working on for his birthday too... you will all have to wait as well! :) My sista is the only one who has any idea of what I might be talking about... I will post a photo once the mission is complete.

HAPPY FRIDAY TO ALL! ... and don't spend too much money on Valentine's Day, it's a crock, just love your husband/boyfriend/wife/girlfriend every day of the year! (I didn't say you have to like them every day!)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Brooke the Designer.

Well here are some of the pictures of our recent remodel job... I am going to have to dig up some before shots too... Our kitchen used to be completely closed in and the wall that now has the bar went all the way up to the ceiling. My husband and his fasha (like from Austin Powers... Ashtun Powas Fasha) did all of the work themselves, with my direction! (I tried not to be too demanding) Anyway, our condo used to be totally closed in and divided and now it is so much more open! We can't afford new counters at the present time so we decided to paint a piece of wood white and I had a piece of glass cut to put on top. I think it actually looks pretty darn good myself! Anyway, I will try to find some before pictures to post later.

Brooke the Artist.

Okay, so our walls are completely bare... drives me crazy but, I can't afford too much at this point in my life. Well, Aaron Brothers in Anaheim Hills is going out of business... everything in the store 50% off! Woo hoo. I decided I would buy some canvas' and paint and give it a shot. I really can't do anything from my imagination, so I looked at another artists work and went from there... They aren't great but I did my best and at least we have some darn color on our walls! My hubby took some action shots. Man I love that almost birthday boy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hi all! Long time no post, eh?

I have been super busy working on our condo, and I haven't had a darn second to blog it up. Well I probably did have a sec or two, but I had better things to do! Anywho, our condo is looking so awesome, I really want to post pictures of it but, I don't have the dang cord with me! Excuses, excuses. I am totally due for some pics....soon!

I just read some very sad news. Freestyle motocross rider Jeremy Lusk died today from injuries he suffered in a competition on Saturday. It is very scary to me considering one of my husband's favorite things to do is jump his dirt bike. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. (You can click on his name for the story.)

Oh yeah, and how about the crazy biznitch Nadya Suleman? She utterly infuriates me! What she has done is in excusable and disgusting and she should be arrested.... Tell us how you really feel Brooke! I could go on for days, and days about this but, I won't. You can click on her name to see the interview with Ann Curry.... Oh and for those of you who don't know, she is the Octuplet mother.... Yuck! Oh and how does someone on welfare and disability afford all that plastic surgery... those lips ain't real hunny!