Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ankylosing Spondylitis.

It's my disease. I have been having some back pain lately and I had some blood work and x-rays done to find out what the problem is. Apparently I have a genetic marker that is generally related to a rheumatic disease that causes arthritis of the spine. There is nothing that can really be done except to take anti-inflammatories and stay healthy and hope that it is not a severe case. I also found out that I have a slight case of scoliosis (that is what the x-ray is of) .... guess the nurses in jr. high and high school didn't look hard enough! ha. At least now that there is a prognosis, Jake believes me when I tell him I am in pain and he doesn't think I am just milking it. (Okay maybe I am.... just a little.)


Ashley Perez said...

Ugh, I used to hate those scoliosis tests! That's too bad that they can't do anything about it! Hope you're feeling better, despite everything. Oh, and keep milkin' it. You're allowed to.

kculver said...

Is that your belly button ring in the xray???!!!! haha! bummer to hear they can't fix it...hopefully the meds will help alleviate it!

Anonymous said...

OH! I see some stool in your bowl in that x-ray!! haha. (leave it to me to point that out) Hope your back is feeling better brooklyn...keep yourself healthy! love u!