Saturday, February 28, 2009

American Dream.

I am going to take a minute to "brag" about my life... and I can, it's my blog!

My hubby and I were talking last night and we were gloating about how much we love our lives and how lucky we are for all we have. We are truly living the American Dream. We have a condo. It might not be the biggest condo in the world or the nicest, but it is our home and we love living here together. We just bought a new car. It was my mom's car, it is used and it was inexpensive but it is ours. We have our little dog who makes us laugh and smile every day and makes us proud to know that we have given her a better life. Most importantly we have each other. We love each other more everyday. We make each other laugh and smile (and sometimes yell). We also have the most amazing families on earth who have taught us how to love and how to be loved, and who have given us such an amazing example of what a relationship is all about.

The thing that makes us most proud of all of the "things" we have is how hard we have worked for them. My husband might not have a permanent job so-to-speak, but he wakes up every day at 5:00 and looks for a substitute job until he finds one. If he doesn't find one, he goes out and hands in resumes. He NEVER gives up. It makes me so proud to wake up and go to work every day and earn an income to help my husband so we can have our condo and our dog and our life. We are a team. If something is not making us happy, we fix it. I feel like I am the luckiest girl on earth. We are lucky in a sense, that we have our amazing, supportive families but, we are not lucky to have all of the things we have. We EARNED them. I am not trying to brag about all of the "things" we have because the most important things in life aren't "things". I am bragging about the fact that we have them together and it just doesn't get any better than that!

We may not have it all together but, together we have it all!


Cyndie said...

Brookie -

Wow. Thank you for that tribute to family. We all know that no one is perfect, life takes a lot of twists and turns. The most important thing to me, as you and Kate were growing up, was that you had good hearts.

Life is not so much chance as it is choice. How you choose to use your intellect and your ability determines the outcome of your life. There is nothing wrong with making the wrong choices as long as you acknowledge them and make real efforts to make them right.

Victims look for someone to give them a fish instead of learning how to fish. No one ever said life was going to be easy but it still can be rewarding.

love, mamalamadingdong

Brooke Smith. said...

Well, I have to say we didn't earn EVERYTHING... our parents do spoil us, and we know it! We couldn't have done it without yous guys.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade... and when it doesn't, go out and pick em' yourself!