Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE the Rocky movies. When "Rocky Balboa" came out I told my mom it should have won an Oscar. Well, it was on T.V. last night and I was reminded of a great line in the movie and I wanted to share it.

..."no one hits harder than life... but it's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."

Aint that the truth. Sing it Rocky!


Mrs. Skillitz said...

I believe the comment was made "It is the best movie ever made."

"Wizard of Oz" has nothing on "Rocky Balboa!"

Jokes aside... Mr. Balboa "hit" the nail on the head.

Trieste said...

AMAZING QUOTE!!!!! I love it!!!

kculver said...

ba ba ba ba ba bum ba bum ba bummm bummm bummm ba ba bummm...that is me humming the rockey theme song...Adrian!!!!!!! I mean..Trieste!!!!!