Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I had to drop my little Lily-legs off at her grandmas this morning so she could drop her off at her surgery appointment... mom and dad have to work! She is FINALLY going to be spayed! We have been wanting to do it for so long but we have been waiting for a place that was a little more affordable. It really adds up! She is going to the Garden Grove Humane Society this morning. I feel so bad for my little angel. She had no idea what was coming. I can't wait to hold her tonight and take care of her little angel face. Thanks for the ride Grandma Cynnie!

Oh and.... my hubby is officially done with his credential program!!!! I am so excited for him! He has one week of student teaching left after this week and then he can get a job!!!! Yahoo. He is so excited and I am so unbelievably proud of him. He has worked so hard and it is finally going to pay off... his wifey even bought him a new wet-suit for him to celebrate his graduation with some killer lefts and rights bro!

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