Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hi all! Long time no post, eh?

I have been super busy working on our condo, and I haven't had a darn second to blog it up. Well I probably did have a sec or two, but I had better things to do! Anywho, our condo is looking so awesome, I really want to post pictures of it but, I don't have the dang cord with me! Excuses, excuses. I am totally due for some pics....soon!

I just read some very sad news. Freestyle motocross rider Jeremy Lusk died today from injuries he suffered in a competition on Saturday. It is very scary to me considering one of my husband's favorite things to do is jump his dirt bike. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. (You can click on his name for the story.)

Oh yeah, and how about the crazy biznitch Nadya Suleman? She utterly infuriates me! What she has done is in excusable and disgusting and she should be arrested.... Tell us how you really feel Brooke! I could go on for days, and days about this but, I won't. You can click on her name to see the interview with Ann Curry.... Oh and for those of you who don't know, she is the Octuplet mother.... Yuck! Oh and how does someone on welfare and disability afford all that plastic surgery... those lips ain't real hunny!


Cyndie said...

b - I know you and J are working hard, but it pays off when you come home and see what hard work has given you. We're proud of you both for your work ethic and your dedication to each other. Life isn't always easy, but that's why you appreciate everything you have.

Re: the Oct-Mom. Not only do I think she had her lips done, I think she had her nose done and possibly her eyes. I think she thinks she is Angelina Jolie! I'd love to go Nancy Drew on this one and try to find a pic of her in her HS yearbook.

She talks about working overtime to get the dough to do what she did but who was watching her other children. Her mom and dad, who should be enjoying the hard work they have done all of their lives to enjoy themselves, not take care of a self-absorbed, selfish child who has irresponsibly reproduced.

She is now saying that she is going to get a student loan to pay for a master's degree. Hello...by definition A LOAN HAS TO BE PAID BACK. SO WHO FOOTS THE BILL FOR THAT ONE? Her parents...or us? And while she is at work, utilizing the degree, who takes care of the offspring? I think you get my drift. Excuse me, I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Brooke Smith. said...

Ha Ha! Now I know where I get it! That's my mom.

Ashley Perez said...

Ha ha! I finally saw her on tv last night and though that she looked like Angelina with her lips! Such a crazy situation. I don't think you're the only one who feels that way about her!